Interesting and Challenging Success Stories
Platform: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013.
Centralisation: one document management system (DMS) for all group members.
High scalability: it’s easy to expand the number of companies that are working with DMS.
AN UNUSUAL ASPECT. Can you imagine a matrix organisational structure for a group of companies with 40 members in different countries? The specific feature we developed on a SharePoint Foundation platform is that you can check employee contact information, details and actual authorities in one place. This feature does not exist on the SharePoint Server.
GOING ON VACATION? The system can do a great job for you: it composes vacation request letters and helps to prepare appropriate to-do lists for you and your replacements. It also informs Human Resources, the Finance Department, and your manager. The system knows if a national holiday falls during an employee’s vacation, and the employee receives another day of vacation.
At the moment, 20 companies, in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Belarus, belong to the group, and they have more than 369 employees.
The matrix organisational structure is used because the company is growing fast and deals with complex projects in different business areas. This is the reason why the system has to be very scalable.
If a controlling interest or shares in a company are acquired, reorganised, liquidated or sold, it would be easier for the board of Invalda to manage all the documents relating to that business area.
At the moment, the holding company Invalda operates in the following business areas: pension fund management, agricultural land, information technology, and real estate management.
DOCUMENT TYPES. DMS organises all document types: those that are registerable (received and sent documents), non-registerable (more than 12 document types), and also acquisition documentation, protocols and tasks.
SIMPLER PROTOCOLS. New protocols can be created based on old ones.
VERSIONING. Some groups of documents are always versioned. This means that temporary file versions will be saved, while the document is being created and the final version of the document is not validated.
LIBRARY. The document library was created on the main site of the Document Management System. All the data was successfully migrated from the old DMS system.
EASY TO ADMINISTER. The architecture of the document management system is easily scalable, with no request for additional costs and programming, and easy to redesign according to a company’s needs.
Invalda’s equity has been traded on the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Exchange since 1995. The companies INVL Baltic Farmland, INVL Technology and INVL Baltic Real Estate have been accepted for trading on NASDAQ OMX Vilnius since 4 June 2014.
Since its incorporation, Invalda LT has executed several dozens of entity acquisition, sale and capital attraction transactions, the total value of which is approximately EUR 1.14 billion (LTL 4 billion).
The benefits of collecting the vast amount of data needed to effectively manage an ICT estate also extend to procurement.
A module was created based on SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise, and integrated with other systems for generating reports, research and analysis, and also to serve as a data register.
A HUGE VOLUME OF HETEROGENEOUS DATA AUDITED AND MIGRATED. We have received a huge amount of heterogeneous data in excel sheets. A data audit, standardisation and migration to a prepared classification structure in a SharePoint environment were established.
SMART REGISTER. The module was created for the purpose of registering IT assets and detailed information: IT departments need information about what assets they have, where they are, who is using them, the services they support, what they cost, and how they are configured.
They should also be able to ascertain the value the IT assets deliver, whether the company is fully exploiting its IT assets, and whether the business is fully compliant. This is why the register has integrated analytical and research functions.
So we have organised a well-documented analytical audit to shape the project management system of the future: what projects they have now, what there will be in the future, and what is most important for users and beginners.
We have not been mentioned that the old Project Management System was migrated from Project Server 2003 to the Project Server 2013 version, and financial transparency and analytical instruments were integrated.
MIGRATION THROUGH VERSIONS. New architecture for the Project Management System (PMS) was designed, and all the data and the old PMS was migrated from Project Server 2003 to the Project Server 2013 version.
PORTFOLIO INTELLIGENCE. For the very first time in Lithuania, we have integrated a specialised software product for portfolio intelligence, with complete financial transparency: UMT 360.
The product helps companies analyse and identify opportunities to reduce and rationalise their operational costs, identify which initiatives are best aligned with the overall strategy of the company, and which initiatives are the most profitable.
The purpose of this project was to identify and outline a strategy for creating an e-learning culture within a school system ready to move away from traditional teaching. The changes that were carried out were recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science.
ONLINE COURSE REGISTRATION AND AUTHENTICATION. The system allows online registration for learning kits or courses for students and third parties. An authentication process separates internal and external students, and their data is linked to a CRM module.
SCORM-BASED ONLINE LEARNING. An adopted and integrated e-learning solution based on SCORM standard recommendations. Students can access an on-line syllabus (includes reading, assignments, quizzes, self-checks); see the course schedule, with all deadlines and assignments, and complete and submit them online, and also check grades.
MINI REGISTERS. The document management system has standard mini-registers for students and teachers, students’ grades, employees’ work documents, acquisitions, protocols for final examination grades, and reports from the State Social Insurance Fund Board.